Finally that old book is dead and gone and ready to be sent to the filing shelf. So while I'm waiting for the images to upload let's type about my week. Let's see last week I discovered there was a talk, with actual dudes actually working in Irish animation studios, being held in my old college. I discovered this was on the night before, by sheer luck on my behalf, only to go there and be told by a friend that she really should forward on the emails she gets about these things >_<. Ain't buddies great? I also went to see Avatar in 3D, and OMG if you haven't seen it GO, GO NOW, the furry blue cat dudes are waiting for you, FURRY BLUE CATS!! Did I mention the FURRY BLUE CAT dudes? It's not everyday a film is made with CATish dudes, so GO, GO NOW, support the BLUE CATS. I think my caps lock button is excited by the word CATS now....
So without further delay, have some artwork, I'm sure that's why you came here in the first place....
Nicky is having fun, it's totally kicktastic:


Nicky is missing his favorite show so he's trying to be the main characters, all the main characters at once:
Zeek doing his Werebeast thing:

and waking after the night of a full moon:

and in his previous job, mercenary/bounty hunter, if you use your imagination those weird looking boxes can become some roof tops, imagine it ^_^:
When I think of mercenary/bounty hunter idea, I create another mercenary/bounty hunter character, just for the fun of it. Introducing "Sugarcube", so called as she calls everyone sugarcube, no one really knows her name, so they call her sugarcube in return. So yeah, that's how that works....
Newton has some images this week, I'm not sure how that happened, but it did,
and some Keva, woooo
Seems Locke's a bit miffed at the bar, I'm sure someone owes him money
Let's have something totally random, the SOOOOOOOUUUUUP Turtles:
and today I'll finish up with some Rhizo post shower nudity, why not?